
Out of the Woods (Fairy Tale Card Game and Book)

Created by American McGee

Once upon a time... There was a game designer called American McGee who having lived a life of dramatic ups and downs, decided to present a unique take on a selection of traditional fairy tales as a Table Top Card Game, Illustrated Book, Coloring Book, and Collection of Art. He hoped the lessons contained within might help others along their journey through the dark woods of existence. With the success of this campaign we'll deliver a wicked card game, beautiful illustrated book, twisted coloring book, and turn "Out of the Woods" into an ongoing series of games, books, and original art. Don't be eaten by wolves. Get Out of the Woods!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal #1 - Rawr!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 12:17:14 AM

Fellow Wooddites, 

We did it! And then we did it again! Stretch Goal #1 has been chomped to bits! Yay!

Scarf? Playmat? Picnic Blanket for Tiny Wolves?
Scarf? Playmat? Picnic Blanket for Tiny Wolves?

The only problem is I've been describing this thing as a scarf/playmat when it seems the two might not be interchangeable. The original concept was definitely based on a scarf - as we have several samples of scarves floating around the studio here in Shanghai. And we'd played a few matches of card games with the scarf in the middle of the table without causing a breakdown in the space-time continuum. But apparently a scarf isn't a playmat and a playmat wouldn't make a very comfortable scarf... 

So. I'll be looking at options for having a proper playmat made (apparently similar to a large-format mousepad). Once I understand the cost and weight for that I can present options from which we can decide via survey. Or costs and weights may just force is to stick with the scarf as-is. We'll see. Feel free to share ideas, hopes, and feedback in the comments below.

In the meantime, let's keep our eyes on the next prize. Stretch Goal #2. Given our current daily funding flow that target is within range. Keep sharing word of the project via your social media channels. Howl about it from the rooftops! 

PS: In case you missed it, we had another Alice: Madness Returns live-stream over the weekend. If you liked Frankenstein, you'll love these things. It's rare to see a creator so completely frustrated and thrashed by his own creation!

PPS: More live-stream action coming this week. And we should once again be set up to play a few hands of Out of the Woods! 

From Shanghai with a Tiny Wolf, 

-American, Martin, and Lulu

Success! We're Out of the Woods!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 11:42:03 PM

People of the Woods, 

Wooooooo! We did it! Defeated the wolves and escaped the woods! 

PickleWolf M'er F'er's!
PickleWolf M'er F'er's!

From myself, Martin, Lulu, and the rest of the OOTW team THANK YOU!

Your support, sharing, and feedback got us here. And with 6 more days until the end of the campaign, we have a solid shot at some of the stretch goals too! Let's make that playmat happen - that's too cool to leave ... in the woods :P

Remember there's another Alice: Madness Returns YouTube live-stream happening in roughly 12 hours (8PM Shanghai time, Saturday, August 12th). Let's all get together, kick some Teapot ass, and celebrate!

What? What did I do?!
What? What did I do?!

I've got a game controller now, punk.

Thanks again. See you all tonight! :) 

From Shanghai with Love and Gratitude, 

American, Lulu, and Martin

PS: Special thanks and a big shout out to @GMShivers AKA Jennifer D'aww. She's supplied us with a steady stream of amazing promo art. Please take a moment to send her some thanks and support her art. 

Almost Out of the Woods?
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 12:09:41 AM

Dear Fellow Woodspeople,

90% of the Way! 

We've had some fantastic days recently as a result of my recent appeal to fans of Alice, some highly engaging Facebook advertising, really awesome fan promotion (art and social sharing), and an amazing interview with YouTube celebrity RPGMinx

Sea Witch gif Promo by @GMShivers
Sea Witch gif Promo by @GMShivers

What's Next on the Path?

With just 9 days remaining in the campaign, we are on track to hit our goal and our stretch goals. But that is no excuse to rest for the remainder of our journey. I need YOU to share news of "Out of the Woods" on your social sites - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and MySpace (are you still using that?!). 

Please, take a moment each day to share once or twice using these promotional images - we've found these to be the most engaging:

Wolf in Granny
Wolf in Granny
Chopping Block
Chopping Block

 Live-Stream of Alice: Madness Returns

Martin, Lulu, and I have been perfecting our live-stream setup so we can bring you a first ever - American (that's me) playing Alice: Madness Returns while commenting on design, development, and reception of the game. 

This event kicks off at 6PM PST, August 9th. 

Subscribe to or watch the stream: HIT THIS LINK 

Live Stream from Wonderland
Live Stream from Wonderland

We're planning to do a series of live-streams leading up to the campaign end where we'll play more Out of the Woods and discuss the fairy tales underlying the project.

Don't Get Eaten by Wolves
Don't Get Eaten by Wolves

From hot and humid Shanghai where we've dodged a series of typhoons, we again want to express our deep appreciation of your support and kindness. We wouldn't have made it this far through the woods without you! 

With Kisses from Lulu, 

American, Martin, and Lulu! 

Mega OOTW Marketing Push !!
over 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 12:11:55 AM

Dear Fellow Travellers

We hope you're all having a great start to the weekend and have lots of awesome stuff planned. We're here to update you with a few things that are going on in the realm of OOTW that we think you might be interested in.


Purity Sin
Purity Sin

1) American has literally just finished a live chat/interview with the YouTuber, Purity Sin.
Click the link and head on over. I'm sure the recorded interview will be up for all to see very shortly.

If you're also interested in watching pre-recorded live-streams.  We also did our first live-stream (that we had enormous fun doing) a few days ago. You can watch that right HERE!




2) American also has a YouTube interview with TheRPGMinx (who recently has been showcasing Grimm and Alice on her channel).
The interview is at 5:30am PST August 5th. So set your alarms and don't miss out on that treat!


3) We recently ran a small experiment adjusting our marketing spend/imagery which is why you may have noticed the total has been a bit slow these last couple of days.
Do not fear !!
The good news is that we have now redoubled our efforts and are hitting the marketing and advertising HARD so expect normal service to resume soon as we sprint towards our total   :)

And as usual, we'd love to thank all of our 1700+ backers to bringing us to where we currently are, and please share info and news about our OOTW project on all your social media channels.  It's YOU that's making this project possible.

Many hugs from steamy and humid Shanghai from American, Martin and Lulu.

- Cheers


Live-stream Success!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 11:47:41 PM

Dear Fellow Travelers, 

Myself, Martin, and Lulu just finished broadcast of our first-ever YouTube live-stream. During the event, we talked game play, played a match of the card game, discussed the illustrated book, and explored the various add-ons and stretch goals. We also enjoyed a bit of biting and kissing. Umm...

Bitey Host is Bitey
Bitey Host is Bitey

We really appreciate all of you who joined the event and shared your feedback and questions! Thanks for joining in the fun!

We're thinking about doing another live-stream (maybe next week?) if there's demand and we can think of some way to keep it fresh and interesting. Let us know in the comments if you'd like to see something in particular. 

Another quick reminder to share your excitement about "Out of the Woods" via your social media channels. 

From Shanghai with Kisses, 

-American, Martin, and Lulu