
Out of the Woods (Fairy Tale Card Game and Book)

Created by American McGee

Once upon a time... There was a game designer called American McGee who having lived a life of dramatic ups and downs, decided to present a unique take on a selection of traditional fairy tales as a Table Top Card Game, Illustrated Book, Coloring Book, and Collection of Art. He hoped the lessons contained within might help others along their journey through the dark woods of existence. With the success of this campaign we'll deliver a wicked card game, beautiful illustrated book, twisted coloring book, and turn "Out of the Woods" into an ongoing series of games, books, and original art. Don't be eaten by wolves. Get Out of the Woods!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goals for the Final Stretch!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 08:20:25 PM

Fellow Travelers, 

As the campaign heads past 70% funding with 17 days remaining we welcome our 1600th backer and set our sights on a strong finish along with the completion of a couple of fun stretch goals. 

Before we get to all of that I just want to share another big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped support the campaign and helped spread the word. I feel incredibly fortunate to have you all behind the project, bringing to life something I think we'll all be very proud of in the end. Every journey is made better by the company of others.

Stretch Goals

Probably best to just let the beautiful graphic from Alex C. speak for what we have in store...

Stretch Goals, because goals are good!
Stretch Goals, because goals are good!


All these goals are worthy and fun but I decided to put my favorite goal first because I think it'll also be your favorite. Alex C. has designed a beautiful pattern which we'll use to create Out of the Woods scarves/play-mats. These measure 53cm x 53cm and will be included with ALL physical reward tiers if we hit this stretch goal (1 per backer).

Scarf / Play-mat Pattern
Scarf / Play-mat Pattern

Beyond that, we've also got something for you collectors - a 2nd stretch goal of OOTW certificates, which I'll number and autograph, again sent to ALL physical reward tier backers (1 per backer). 

Last but not least the 3rd stretch goal will allow us to translate the OOTW instructions to French, Italian, German, and Spanish. Das è beuno, ouais??! (对不起)

Live Stream

Martin and I are testing a live stream setup with Lulu acting as studio manager. She's a tough boss and we've finally got everything growling along nicely. Rawr.

We've set our date and time: 7PM PST, Wednesday 2nd of August. 

So if you'd like to see us play OOTW, talk about our plans for the game and book, and ask Lulu all your important questions, please join via my YouTube Channel. You can hit that link NOW to subscribe to the event. Don't be late!

Get the Word Out

Last item... you've all been great at spreading the word on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. But just because it looks like we're in for a solid finish doesn't mean we're... out of the woods yet! 

Please, continue sharing our campaign with your friends and families! Here are a couple of new banners to help with that: 

Promo Banner 1
Promo Banner 1


Promo Banner 2
Promo Banner 2

That's it for this week's update. Please let us know what you think of everything in the comments below. We look forward to your feedback and to interacting with everyone later in the week during the live stream!

From Shanghai where Typhoons are Threatening, 

American, Martin, and Lulu

Update #6 (Catchy title, eh?)
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 12:16:04 AM

Dear People of the Woods,

The weekend is almost upon us, so we thought we'd drop by and keep you all updated with what's going on in the realm of American, Martin, and Lulu.
There's a lot to get through, so let's get started   :)

Red in Wolf
Red in Wolf

1) As you might see, our daily total is obviously slowed down a bit from the amazing first few days after launch. However this is perfectly normal (especially towards the end of the month) and Kickstarter even has a name for it, The Trough. But we just want to let you all know, our numbers and projections are still good as long as we have your support and help   :)

2) Next week, American McGee has two interviews lined up with a couple of popular YouTube personalities.  So hopefully this will also give us some delicious exposure and also give you a chance to see the man himself talking about the project.  More info about this coming soon....

Awesome Logo
Awesome Logo

3) Our very own Alex C is currently working up some of his illustrated wizardry for some stretch goal ideas we have. These will get their very own update in the future I'm sure, but hey, it's nice to tease you with the idea now  ;)

4) We've also heard a fair few of you saying you'd like to see a "How to Play" video so we're making steps towards doing one of those too.  But I wonder if any of you have any comments on how you'd like to see this? Literally a video pointed at the table while we place cards down? Or a wider shot of us playing and talking about it?  All ideas and suggestions welcome.

5) Finally, even with all the good news and awesome stuff we told you in the previous 4 steps, we still can't rest on our laurels and hope the project succeeds without hard work.
So, if any of you can think of any avenues of exposure we haven't tapped yet or ideas you think would work well, we're all ears, hit us up in the comments and we'll check it out....

The Loomer
The Loomer

So, from slightly cooler Shanghai (It was only about 38 degrees today) we wish you all an awesome weekend  ;)

- Martin, American, and Lulu!

$100k passed and Alice Reward News
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 09:28:03 PM

Dear People of the Woods

Earlier today, we passed the $100,000 barrier and are currently sitting at $104k at the time of writing this.  HURRAH!

I know we say this a lot, but we really want to give a big thanks to all our backers.
Not just for pledging, but also helping to spread the news of Out of the Woods around your own social networks.  Part of the reason we've funded this high this fast is because of YOU!

In other news, we'd like to tell you all that we have changed the success criteria for the Alice Design Documents giveaway.

After having a little chat about it in today's OOTW meeting, we decided that raising $150k by the end of July 25th might have been a little on the optimistic side, so now we just figure that we'll give the Alice Design Document mega-link to every backer (Inside a backer only update) upon project success/completion instead   :)

The link will contain delicious goodies such as these.....

Folders of Madness
Folders of Madness


Colour Script
Colour Script


Level Layout Madness
Level Layout Madness

So, from 40 degrees Shanghai and from American, Martin and Lulu, here's to raising the next $71k... *raises glass*

- Cheers!

50% Funding & Promo Images
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 09:03:57 PM

Dear People of the Woods, 

We've hit 50% of our funding goal after just 5 days. Yay! Our 50% also happens as the project passes 88k in funding - "8" being a very auspicious number in Chinese culture. So here in Shanghai, myself and Lulu are feeling pretty lucky (and, apparently, like a 'good girl'). 

Good Girl
Good Girl

I've seen quite a few of you promoting the project via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Thank you for that! Your efforts are really helping attract attention to the project. 

To support that effort this afternoon I put together a collection of images which you can use on your various social media channels... 

Promo 1
Promo 1


Promo 2
Promo 2


Promo 3
Promo 3


Promo 4
Promo 4


Promo 5
Promo 5


Promo 6
Promo 6

I'm seriously thinking about getting the OOTW logo from Promo 5 as a tattoo... Who wants to join me? 

Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend!

From Shanghai with Rubs, 

American & Lulu

A Backer-Only Mid-Campaign Mad (Alice) Reward
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 09:04:48 PM

Dear People of the Woods,

I had a mad thought: Many of you are big fans of "Alice." Why not create a mid-campaign, backer-only reward to help attract more Insane Children into the Woods by giving away a bunch of design material from "Alice: Madness Returns?"

There's a 1Tb hard drive sitting in my home office with a mental amount of "Alice: Madness Returns" production material on it. In one of the folders is a breakdown of chapter-by-chapter design and layout. Stuff like this: 

Folders of Madness
Folders of Madness


Color Script
Color Script


Level Layout Madness
Level Layout Madness

Mad, huh? 

So, here's the deal: Help push the campaign to 150kUSD before July 25th at 11:59pm PST and I'll release a Mega link to this material inside a backer-only update to the "Out of the Woods" campaign page.

It might be the 41c (105f) heat in Shanghai gone to my head, but I think there are a TON of Alice fans out there who would love "Out of the Woods" if only they knew about it. Help me get the word to them and everyone can enjoy an exclusive peek into the design and development of Madness Returns. 

From Shanghai (which should be renamed Shanglava), 

-American & Lulu (Martin isn't yet aware of this madness)